The Milbro series 70 are not tremendously valuable and are more of a rarity than a collectible,I'm told.
It would be worth around $20. But here is an interesting point. This model was a Diana design by Milbro of Scotland after WWII.
What condition is it in...........
It was made for Daisy by Milbro in Scotland. It's a Diana brand (owned by Milbro) between 1965-74. In excellent condition it is worth around $60 - $75. It shot Pellets or darts.
It all depends on the model and condition of the rifle.
Made 1965-1974 by Milbro in Scotland under the Diana brand. You did not state the condition of the rifle so no estimate of value cane be determined.
In good condition it's worth about $20 In Very good condition it's about $30 The model 160 was made between 1965-74 and was made for Daisy by Milbro in Scotland. It's part of the Diana brand of airguns. It shot BB's pellets or darts.
This model was made by Milbro of Scotland from 1971 to 1974 for Daisy. The current condition determines the value. What condition is it in? Without more information, it is not possible to answer you.
This model was made between 1965-70. It was made for Daisy by Milbro in Scotland. It worth somewhere around $50 + or - $10 depending on the condition. After WWII Dianawerk of Germany ( they made air guns before the war.) Sold off all there machinery to England Who sold the machinery to the Miller brothers, Milbro, in Scotland who made air rifles for various other airgun manufactures.
It would help if you stated the model number. So I'm going to guess that it's either a model 130 or 160 made by Milbro for Daisy. In good condition, both would be worth around $35-$45. Plus or Minus.
It all depends on the current condition of the Rifle.
Made 1965-1974 by Milbro in Scotland under the Diana brand. You did not state the 'Physical" condition of the rifle so no estimate of value can be determined. So all I can give you is an average value $45. Is it in Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good or Excellent Condition. This determines the value.
The condition determines the value. Please state the condition of the Diana, as Poor, Fair, Good, Very Good or Excellent. Then I can give an estimate of value.