A maker of cart wheels is called a Wheelwright. Some cart wheel makers are called Cartmakers. There are many cart wheel companies all around the world. Some examples of cart wheel making companies include Wheeleez and Eddie's Wheels.
A "wright" was a person who made things - a carpenter, builder or joiner. For instance a "cart wright" a maker of carts, a "wheel wright" a maker of wheels.
it called a cart or wheelbarrel
A cart maker constructs carts. A carter uses a cart to transport goods.
A person who makes cart wheels is a wheelwright.
The wheels of the cart will rotate in the same direction that the cart is being pushed, so they will also go towards the west.
Colorado Components is the proud manufacturer of Fairway Alloys golf cart wheels. They provide quality aftermarket golf cart wheels and were founded in 1998.
One can find parts for Funder Wheels go carts on online stores or DIY go cart forums. They usually include wheels and other parts for different go cart brands.
Shopping cart
it is possible
It is an upright cart with 2 wheels used to move appliances and boxes by one person. Also called a dolly.
The best design for a shopping cart has four wheels and a study cart which will be able to hold an array of items. One with strong wheels which don't get stuck would be ideal to some.