both are responses to interactions
Both are responses to interactions between different sovieties
cultural convergence is when it is all about what happens in the culture, b ut culture divergence is when the culture has different cultural parts. :)
With cultural convergence, cultures are coming together. With cultural divergence cultures are kept separate. Celebrating Cinco De Mayo in the United States is an example of cultural convergence. The Day of the Dead Celebration in Mexico is an example of cultural divergence.
Convergence- When things come together Divergence- When things move apart
Answer this question… The spread of coffee drinking to many parts of the world increases the similarity between cultures.
Cultural convergence refers to a movement towards a global cultural unity. It aims to lessen the tensions between groups from different cultural backgrounds.
Converging plates come together. They converge together. Diverging plates come apart.
cultures become more similar
i dont know but you jsut a;nsdjflaskjfd;lajksdf; alkjsdfdddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddddgirl
Cultural convergence is when the similarities between different cultures in the same nation are driven by global and common brands. The similarities are with aspects like consumer preferences, beliefs, aspirations, and values.
used violent methods to eliminate their opponents
All evolution that results in increasing genetic divergence between subpopulations may result in speciation. That includes convergent evolution: convergence occurs at the phenotypical level, not at the genetic level.
There is a striking similarity between the two paintings, as they both feature vibrant colors and abstract shapes.