It depends on weight,age,and,health of patient.
If your question in relation to pain - then yes, it will. However, 30gr of morphine is not a dose that would ever be given - as it would be lethal. 30mg is more likely. If your question in relation to pain - then yes, it will. However, 30gr of morphine is not a dose that would ever be given - as it would be lethal. 30mg is more likely.
0.25ml morphine is a low dose.
enough of a drug, if you take a lethal dose, it will kill you.
there is no lethal dose of birth control
lethal dose of meloxicam for dogs
none at all their dying.
A Lethal Dose of American Hatred was created in 2020-10.
A: Lethal Dose
Um... because that's the definition of lethal? The word means a dose that will kill you.
the lethal dose of marihuana is 1500 pounds in 15 minutes Founded on: