KELO - AM - was created in 1938.
Kelo Henderson is 6' 2".
112 Ounces Are In 7 lbs.
KELO-TV was created on 1953-05-19.
734 lbs (pounds) = 11,744 ounces
There are 16 ounces per pound. That converts to 26.88 ounces.
Oh, dude, a kelo doesn't exist, but I'm guessing you meant a kilo, which is short for kilogram. So, like, there are around 2.2 pounds in a kilo. But hey, who's counting, right?
To convert from pounds (lbs) to ounces, you need to multiply by 16.
Kelo Henderson's birth name is Paul Henderson Jr..
Divide ounces by 16: 2 / 16 = 0.125 pound
That is 264 ounces.
That is 24 ounces.