The place where the host is kept in church is called the Tabernacle. It is a locked box or cabinet where consecrated hosts (the Eucharist) are stored for adoration, communion, and to be taken to the sick.
The cast of Your Church Your Community - 2012 includes: Stephanie Greene as Herself - Host
The cast of Mountaintop Church - 2008 includes: Bill Elder as Himself - Host
The cast of Lakewood Church - 1999 includes: Joel Osteen as Himself - Host (1999-)
The reverend will consecrate the host during the church service.
The cast of RadXSports - 2002 includes: Dawn Church as Herself - Host Tony Lanza II as Himself - Host
A larger host is primarily used for visibility by the congregation. A small host would be nearly invisible for most people to see from areas of the church distant from the altar.
The paten is the saucerlike disk that it used to hold the Host when it is being consecrated.
Yes. In fact, I was in the junior choir.
The cast of Church Street Station - 1984 includes: Rex Allen as Himself - Host Dottie West as herself
Unleavened bread.
The bread given during the Eucharist is called a host or Eucharistic wafer.