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Q: What is a high level of weed use?
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Why is it difficult to score high on the LSAT?

Because they want to weed out people who cannot reason on a high level.

What can you use with weed to induce the high?

A blunt or a bong will do.

Is there a difference between sour diesel weed and regular weed?

people that say ragular weed don't know much about weed. each weed has a name reffered to as a strai. sour diesel is a strain of weed its a pretty good starin good flavor and pretty high THC level

What is mellow weed?

mellow weed is weed with a los THC level.

Do you get a bigger high if you use a vaporizer or do you get a bigger high by eating weed brownies?

That's two completely different highs

How high is Sean on weed?

really really really high on weed and crack/cocain

Does drinking hurt you more than smoking weed?

ya. drinking is bad. smoke weed. Answer Drinking alcohol damages more parts of you body then marijuana but weed has the same addictive level of alcohol. Best is to never use it.

What weed David Archuleta name his kides?

weed? are you high? -___-

What are advantages of weed?

The advantages of weed are things like the high, the experirance, the medical benefits of weed.

How much do weed joints cost?

around $2000

What the best light to use for growing weed?

high pressure sodium lights or led grow lights

What does the term upper mids mean for weed.?

high potency weed