It is when you get enough food anaverage 13 year old should eat 9000-12000 kj a day
I'm just guessing fruit!!!
The average 13 year old boy weighs about 115 to 125 pounds if they eat healthy and have a good diet.
It depends on how tall the 13 year old boy is. Age does not determine what weight a person should be; height and gender is what is used to determine a healthy weight.
This is classed as 'OK' on the BMI table, so this is a healthy weight for a 13-year-old girl of your height.
A normal, healthy weight for a 13 year old averaged sized person should be in range from 105 pounds to 120 pounds.
no but is it healthy...that is the question
Yeah average ;)
I am 5'3 and almost 13 year old I weigh about 100 lbs and I am told I am at a healthy weight. It might be helpful to know muscle weighs more than fat. I am 12 and eleven months old.
Yes, the average weight for a thirteen year old is any where between 95-110.
It is possible for a 13 year old to have a baby. No, it is not healthy. For one thing, the average 13 year old is not physically mature enough for the birthing process. The likelihood of serious complications, and even death, are much higher. If you are 13, and have found out you are pregnant, it is very important to seek medical support right away.
115-130..around there
get involved in sports and eat healthy foods(: