You can put a folding stock on all airsoft guns.
No one knows what the purpose for the stock pen, theories are that the stock pen was used for extra guns,gun powder etc.
Depends on where you are located, and a license to do WHAT with guns? we get questions from several nations and all 50 US states, and laws vary place to place. There are permits to BUY a gun, to possess a gun, to carry a gun, to carry a gun concealed, to collect guns, to sell guns, and to make guns. If you can be more specific, so can we. Sorry-
It depends on several factors; Where you are located and exactly what you mean by "gun license." Do you mean a license to carry a gun? A license to purchase a gun? A license to build guns?
The guns of the Merrimac (CSS Virginia was its name) were located on the sides of the ship and at the front of the armored part There were 4 broadside guns on each side, and a pivoting gun at the front .
I have never seen a out of stock airsoft gun on amazon,but I would suspect it is because they are not a airsoft dealer,so they do not get large quanitys of them in
Yes. The Specops longbow stock with ASA adaptor can fit any gun. It was built especially for "speedball" guns without buttcaps and also has an Airthru option which allows it to be hooked to a remote line.
Yes and no. Some submachine guns have a shoulder stock, most machine pistols do not.
Well all depends on what you want to use the label gun for, but there are a number of places that you can buy from online. There is a company that specialises in lable guns they are called 'Price Label Gun', and stock all the supplies that are required for the gun.
A stock is the object that the shoulder toutches when firing a rifle. A bump stock is a guns stock that moves back and forth, as to use the force of a gun shot and the mecanism of the trigger to make it fire faster. The finger leaves the trigger and the guns bump stock pushes it forward quickly into the finger again. Each shot is from a single trigger pull, with a bump fire though it is faster, but less accurate and can damage the gun and is expensive on ammunition. A bump stock isn't required to bump fire. A rubber band, a string, a belt loop, or the non-trigger hand can be used to bump fire the gun the same as a bump stock could.
For guns built by Miroku or in Spain or Italy you can most likely still fine a stock. If its a Japan built gun look up Miroku gun parts on dogpile and an outfit from Arizona should pop up and they probably have one. I believe the Italy guns were built by Berretta same as BL2. The guns from Spain were by many makers and you will have to read the proof marks to figure out who.
Actually a BB gun is an air gun. But an air gun also includes pellet guns and rifles. BB guns are the bottom end of the air gun family. Pellet guns are more accurate than BB guns and they usually cost more.