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Impossible to answer without a detailed description of all markings, dimensions, power source, papers, history, etc..

I have sold Greener harpoon guns in the past. The one pictured is an earlier model ahd have sold in the $2000-$3000. Greener also made a percussion model that fired a very large harpoon. It was used for whales and weighed about 50 pounds, was mounted on a rail. A very interesting note: One of 'Dirty Harry' movies Clint Eastwood actually carried one and shot it as well (Hollywood shotting). CD

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Q: What is a greener harpoon gun worth?
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Related questions

How much is a greener harpoon gun selling for in excellent condition?

several hundred to many thousand. Collectors pay well for these at auction. Check the big auctions for prices already paid.

What shoots a harpoon?

A harpoon gun or a harpoon device is typically used to shoot a harpoon. It is a specialized tool designed for hunting or capturing sea creatures, such as whales or fish, by impaling them with a harpoon attached to a rope for retrieval.

How does a penguin find and catch its food?

With a harpoon gun

Can you fire a gun with a bullet that is bigger than the gun?

NoYes. You can have a bullet that is largely external to the barrel of the gun. An example of this would be a harpoon, although the harpoon-gun is still bigger than the harpoon but the principle makes the possibility exist. so basicaly no!!!From an engineering perspective Yes, it is possible. It would take some special designing and some custom work but it is perfectly imaginable.

What specific items would you need for a shark attack?

Machine Gun, armor, and possibly a harpoon.

Why does count olaf die?

First, some midgets came in with a harpoon gun. then, whales started falling from the sky and one fell on him, but it didn't kill him, it just flattened him. the midgets had bad aim and shot him with a harpoon gun.

Is McDonald's a teritiorial company?

Yes, if you come into a McDonalds with a Burger King bag, they will shoot you with a harpoon gun.

What is the meaning of the word harpoon?

The meaning of the word harpoon is to catch something, usually fish or whales, with a large spearlike object that is usually connected to a long rope. It is than either thrown by hand or fired by a gun.

What is an antonym for harpoon?

Sorry, there is no antonym of harpoon.

How can you use the word harpoon in a sentence?

That's a fine, antique harpoon. Careful with that harpoon, Eugene.

Is there any way to get the harpoon gun without xbox live on crackdown?

Liam miller 4 Victoria gardens says ballbag

What guns can you get in Tomb Raider 2?

Pistols, shotgun,automatic pistols,Uzis,M16,Grenade Launcher,Harpoon gun, this is for the pc