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A government cell phone is a new program for people who do not have enough money to purchase a cell phone. There are several requirements that you have to pass.

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How do you replenish a government cell phone?

you don't! :P

Will the Government Give You a Gree Cell Phone?

Cell phone bills can start to look very pricey. If you are unable to make your cell phone payments on time without interfering with your other bills, or if you don't have a cell phone simply because you can not afford one, a government free cell phone might be within your reach. Not everybody qualifies to receive a free phone from the government, but those who do will often qualify for a free cell phone plan as well. Eliminating your cell phone bill reduces the amount of money that you have to spend each month by quite a bit, freeing up the money for other things.

Is the government free cell phone program legal?


Can the government use cell phone gps tracking?

Yes the government can use cell phone gps tracking and do so several thousand times a year. The law says our rights as citizens are not violated when the phone company reveals their records to them.

How was the cell phone used when it was originally invented?

The first cell phones were used by the government. They actually started as police radios in the 1920's and in 1947 Bell labs made a cell type phone. In 1973 Dr. Martin Cooper made a cell phone closer to what we have today, but it was still used only by government, army, police agencies. It wasn't until 1983 that the public got the cell phone.

Can the US government monitor cell phone calls and emails of individuals?


Who started the government free cell phone program?

the health insurence plan

Who did Coopers work for?

Dr. Martin Cooper worked for Motorola when he invented the prototype for the cell phone in 1974. His phone was made for government use and it wasn't until 1984 that the cell phone was sold to the public.

Is stealing a phone a crime?

It is not a federal offense unless the cell phone belonged to the government, or if someone opens a cell phone using someone elses personal information.

1st cell phone made?

The first cell phones were used by the government. They actually started as police radios in the 1920's and in 1947 Bell labs made a cell type phone. In 1973 Dr. Martin Cooper made a cell phone closer to what we have today, but it was still used only by government, army, police agencies. It wasn't until 1983 that the public got the cell phone.