there is a new app called 'My Top Followers' on facebook, if you add it you can check who are the top 10 people that check your profile the most
Yes. There are applications offered by Facebook which will show the profile pictures of people who frequently visits your profile. -itsme08 All applications which claim to track who has viewed your Facebook profile are scams. Facebook, quite intentionally and for good reasons, does NOT provide an API that allows any application developer to create such a thing.
Please see the related links section for an easy and simple trick to get the good old Facebook layout back!
Please see the related links section for an easy and simple trick to get the good old Facebook layout back!
These pictures are their good memories. They just wanna save these in their timeline.This is their feelings. In the future nearly, I think you will put the old photos on facebook. lol
Facebook is not a good idea to meet people . To find your family or frineds then yes Goto facebook then.
There is no good, reliable way to track Facebook visitors to your profile page. There are many websites that claim to be able to track visitors, but those websites are scams trying to gain your personal information. In addition, any attempt you make to track visitors to your Facebook page is against Facebook's terms of use.Save
Anyone can serch you on facebook, myspace, twitter or google you and find you unless you lock your profile, you can do this by going to the last button on the top of your log out bar, good luck....hope this helped!
Yes, you can put quotes on facebook . You can share your ideas , views and knowledge with you facebook friends or even with public. You put any type of quotes on facebook. If you want some good quotes for facebook . You can visit this website . or
It all depends on how you use it. Use your privacy settings so only certain people can see your profile. Just make the right choices and you will be fine! Oh, and with only chat people you know very well. For example: your very best friend.
Facebook is a very good social networking device. It allows you to create and maintain a profile, which can be used to tell people more about you. On your profile you can edit things such as your profile picture, gender, birth date, hometown, family, relationship status, political views, religion, activities, hobbies, interests, favourite music, favourite movies, favourite TV shows, favourite quotations, favourite books, about me information, contact details and education and work.There are also many groups, pages and networks that you can join to connect with people that have similar interests. As well as joining them, you can create them yourself.Status updates can be used to tell people what you are doing, eating, drinking, reading, watching, listening to, etc. You can also use the status update to post links, photos, videos, events, etc.The best thing about Facebook is the interaction with friends. Once you have added a person as a friend (and they have accepted your request), you will have the opportunity to view their profile, comment on their photos and chat with them, invite them to groups, challenge them in games, add posts to their wall, send them virtual gifts and more.Applications can be added to your profile to allow you to play games, take quizzes, etc. You can also invite friends to these and challenge them.Adding friends is a good way to connect with family, long lost friends and unknown relatives. I personally discovered my half-brother who I didn't even know existed.However, please keep in mind that you HAVE to be AT LEAST 13 years old to register for Facebook. It is illegal to sign up for Facebook if you are under 13 years old. Please also remember to keep your profile private - there have been numerous cases of people using personal information on profiles to track people down and intentionally hurt them. Thank you for reading this useful piece of information.A:I think face book is good because, it's a great way to interact with people you don't see every day. I've had face book for four years and I think it's just fantastic. There are lot's of things for you to do, However it is Illegal for you to be under the age of 13 YEARS OLD and have facebook. This is the same for myspace. I think that is a funny and interactive website and I recommend it to anyone.J: Facebook can be good. It's a good way to link with friends. BUT, it can alsobe bad if your on too much. Just call your friends once in a while.Opinion: In my opinion Facebook is as good a website as any other website. Facebook is really more 'hyped' up than it actually is. I don't have a Facebook but my husband does. I do not allow my kids on Facebook (who are all under 13 anyway!) Facebook can be addictive and you end up spending far too much time on the net. Kids and teens on Facebook spend hours on it when they should really be doing school work or excercising!! Facebook is a good website to connect with people but a bad one for kids and teens! yes
Really, any picture is suitable for a profile picture for websites such as Facebook, Twitter, etc. As long as it's you or something related to you (like things you are interested in), it certifies as a profile picture. Although, some websites require certain sized pictures to be able to upload them as your profile picture, so watch out for that.
Thousands of people/users like specific fan page on Facebook. The purpose of fan page is to do advertising. Facebook advertising is good because it majority of its services are free.