One can find a good phone number online at Melissa Data, Telephone Number Locator and Software 112. Other great places of phone number locators are You Get Signal, Software Geek and SB Wire.
The cell phone locator is an application/website that locates the geographical position of a cell phone by entering its phone number. The first 6 digits (area code and prefix code) indicate the latitude and longitude coordinates of the location of the phone.
Here is a gov't elder care locator, phone numbers and
The locator tool is used if you lose your cell phone or it is stolen. Contact sprint and they will send out the signal to find your phone, you just need to give your number to them.
You can call the sprint main number and ask them but another thing you can do is go to sprint official website and look for store locator on the right top corner.
A cell phone locator is a way to access your phone from a computer and, if the cell phone still has battery life you can turn your phone on and make it beep so that you may locate your phone.
The Iphone does have GPS locator application available for its phones.
If someone has a cell phone locator then it means they can find their phone if it has fallen out of their pocket. There are a lot of people who put their phone down and then forget so it can be useful.
A cell phone locator can help a person track the location of a phone for free. The only time it won't work properly is if the cell phone is on airplane mode.
There sure is. Every new cell phone now comes equipped with a GPS locator for emergency uses.
Go to store locator on and type in everything it tells you to and it will give you the address and phone number of the store
There are many banks that offer a smart phone app with a branch locator. Examples of banks that offer a smart phone app with a branch locator includes Wells Fargo and FBN.
Primary locator, secondary locator, variable: - number.