fertilizer for plants
Look on youtube for Homemade Water Bong, VERY easy to make VERY good to smoke out of.. doesnt use alot of weed and you get really high off one hit.
used tea leaves are also a good source of fertilizer and can be easily found in home ...one can save after gettin tea out of them
The strength of weed is often due to the way it is grown. Perhaps the weed was grown with a strong fertilizer or just well cared for.
Yes they love the flower part and good for them. Make sure they have not been sprayed with any weed killer, fertilizer ect
Amendment of and fertilizer and mulch for indoor and outdoor plants and starter for older composts are the uses for which homemade compost is made. Homemade compost may be made inside through vermicomposting with worms or outdoors through bins, heaps, piles, or pits of kitchen scraps and yard debris. Either way, they will work wonderfully in rejuvenating soils and in serving as moisture-retaining, weed-suppressing fertilizers and mulches for garden and houseplants be they in containers or in the ground.
Amendment of and fertilizer and mulch for indoor and outdoor plants and starter for older composts are the uses for which homemade compost is made. Homemade compost may be made inside through vermicomposting with worms or outdoors through bins, heaps, piles, or pits of kitchen scraps and yard debris. Either way, they will work wonderfully in rejuvenating soils and in serving as moisture-retaining, weed-suppressing fertilizers and mulches for garden and houseplants be they in containers or in the ground.
There is a chemical in weed n feed that is harmless to grass but deadly to weeds. they also put grass fertilizer in it.
No, weed is not good for a growing fetus.
A good fertilizer for agriculture is usually high in nitrogen.
Lawn care supplies include, lawn mowers, fertilizer, weed eater, weed repellent and even insect repellent for the yard.
some good homemade gifts are ornaments that are painted and paper mache