The Katchakid net is good it has different hooks and is child proof, its perfect for kids and animals and is very reliable it is a must buy and it wont break your wallet.
Use a bio-gard (brand name) algacide at the recommeded dose
You can purchase a swimming pool net at Walmart, Target, Home Depot, Menards and there are many other stores that you can purchase a home net for your swimming pool.
With a net.
With either a skimming net or get an effective floating pool skimmer
The only swimming pool accessorie that can be re-purposed for the garden if they get worn out would be a cleaning net. They are very specific.
u could get a net and scoop it out or a boul
Use what is called in the trade - a leaf rake - it is a net device that has a deep pocket and attaches to a swimming pool telescopic pole.
I have had this issue before it was really diffucult! I thought I could just use the swimming pool net (filter) to get it out but it just kept breaking. So eventually after trying I just drained it all and than refilled it. I mean you can try taking paper towels and laying them in you swimming pool net and than trying to get the ash. This way there is no holes that the ash can actually slip through and break. hope this helps!
You would have to hire a fiberglass pool repair company to do the several layers of reconstruction of a fiberglass pool. The "gelcoat" is part of the surfacing proceedure and can not be purchased in a store or wholesale wharehouse.
get a net ad put the packet of salt in it then let it go when it reaches the bottom
To stop bugs from comming into your pool, you need to get a cover or get a net and before you swim clean off all the ded bugs on top.
You could get yourself a floating swimming pool skimmer. They hook up the same way as an ordinary automatic pool cleaner.They are an Australian pool cleaner known as either the dragonfly supper skimmer. or the pulse surfase cleaner. they are also available from a place in Texas dragonfly floating pool skimmer. othewise you have to use a net