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A person with the O negative blood type should eat a diet rich in meats with low fat content like poultry and also fish. Grain based products like breads should be minimized.

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Q: What is a good O negative diet?
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What is a good, nutritious Type O negative blood diet?

It is true that type O blood (both positive and negative) does require a high protein diet. For a nutritious diet, sea vegetables, organic poultry like chicken or turkey and lean red meats are good choices. Make sure to eat a good amount of vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, collard greens and artichokes. Avoid corn, wheat, grain products and some legumes where possible as these aren't good for O blood types.

What is the best diet for O negative blood?

The best diet for O negative blood would be animal products. People with type O blood should have a diet rich in protein, and avoid wheat and grains. It is also important to exercise and get fit, since extra proteins will just turn to fat.

Is there a specific type o negative blood diet?

Any of the medical websites online are good resources for finding out what would benifit a Negative O Blood type. Such as web Md or There are also many books written on different types of blood.

What are the constituents of type o negative blood type diet?

A type o negative blood type diet consists of meat, fish, vegetables and fruits. Wheat, beans, corns, cabbage, brussels sprouts and cauliflower are not recommended.

What would be a good diet for o negative blood?

There is a diet by Peter D'Adamo, who is a naturopathic physician, the medical community has not been able to support the diet claims. If you happen to be anemic, there are foods that you may want to discuss with your doctor that you may want to avoid such as green leafy vegetables.

what are the types of blood types and how many of it?

There is a positive, a negative, b positive, b negative, o positive, o negative, ab positive, and ab negative. You can find out very good diets from your doctor.

Does O negative plus O negative equal O negative?


Can O negative parents have an O positive child?

If they are both O negative, no, the child will be O negative.

Does the negative calorie diet really work?

There is a diet called the negative calorie. Individuals can get more information on the negative calorie diet at and �ۼ Diet Reviews.

Can o positive and o negative have o negative?


Can an o positive and an o negative produce an o negative?


What is the negative equivalent of the phrase o o?

The negative equivalent of the phrase "o o" would be "not o not o."