What is The OMG girls Favorite Thing To do
dont know but i do know that he wants to go to the caribbean Bill Kaulitz's favorite holiday is Christmas.
When Girls pretend to be stupid to impress a boy.
Play gutair, listen to music and girls ;-)
Its people's opinions about their favorite holiday. My favorite holiday is Christmas.
Well, are they girls or guys? If they're girls, you can make them CD's of their favorite songs, buy them magazines like J-14, Give them a pic of you and her framed, or get her a giftcard of her favorite store.
Her favorite holiday is Christmas!
Twelve Girls of Christmas was created in 2005.
Well, if you think about it, the world's favorite holiday is Christmas! Christmas is the favorite holiday because people get and send gifts in this time.
Ashley's Favorite Holiday Is Christmas
An Iphone 5, of course! Or horses, if she's lame and has no eyebrows.
I think the best thing to eat on Christmas day is whatever your favorite food is. A lot of people have traditional meals, and those are definitely okay too. The important thing is to spend time with people you love and be happy.