A Martian Odyssey was created in 1934-07.
A Martian sunset is a phenomenon on Mars where the sun sets below the horizon, creating a reddish-orange glow in the sky due to the scattering of light by Martian dust particles. The thin atmosphere on Mars allows for unique and vibrant sunset colors compared to those on Earth.
A being that lives on Mars would be referred to as a Martian.
You get a "yackian", a fictional creature resulting from the fusion of a yak and a Martian. It's simply a playful and imaginative combination of the two distinct beings.
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The Martian was created in 1898.
"Marvin the Martian"
Though the two are not married , Marvin the Martian does have a love interest in the Martian Queen Tyr'ahnee .
My Favorite Martian - 1963 RX for a Martian 1-16 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G
The Martian Chronicles was created in 1950.
The Martian Child was created in 1994.
Martian Panic happened in 2010.
Miss Martian was created in 2006.
Martian Memorandum happened in 1991.
Martian Memorandum was created in 1991.