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Andre Wouters

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i don't give a care

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Q: What is a gangling leggy colt?
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How do you use the word gangling in a sentence?

Gangling refers to a person who is tall, thin, and awkward in movements or bearing. Some sentences for gangling are: Abraham Lincoln was thought to be a gangling man. The gangling boy tried out for the basketball team, but his awkwardness kept him off the team.

How you get leggy out of Moshi Monsters?

There is no leggy in moshi monsters

When was Leggy Mambo created?

Leggy Mambo was created in 1990.

What does lanky?

Lanky means tall and thin, or gangling.

What has the author Gangling Xue written?

Gangling Xue has written: 'Guo jia pei chang fa jiao cheng' -- subject(s): Government liability, China

What does lanky mean?

Lanky means tall and thin, or gangling.

What is the definition of lanky?

Lanky is tall and thin. Another word similar to it is gangling.

What has the author Gangling Wang written?

Gangling Wang has written: 'Ou zhan shi qi di Meiguo dui Hua zheng ce' -- subject(s): Foreign relations, World War, 1914-1918

What rhymes with leggy?

peggy, beggy, meggy

What are the physical of the octopus?

That will be sort of wobbly with 8 protruding leggy things

What does violent spider look like?

The violent spider is brown,and leggy

What is a word to describe giraffes that starts with the letter G?

You could describe a giraffe as genteel, gentle, gangling or giant.