If you're referring to the type of fur (usually mink) wrap women wore around their shoulders during the 1950s and 1960s, it is referred to as a "stole".
A fur cape is also known as a Tippet
If the rabbit fur was skinned already, you could call it a skin, pelt, fur. If it's still on a breathing, live rabbit, it's called a coat. It's OK to just call it rabbit fur.
The horses with fur shoes are called Clydesdales. Clydesdales have long hair, known as "feathers," that cover their hooves, giving them the appearance of wearing fur shoes.
Another name for animal fur is pelage.
The hairless Sphynx also called the Canadian Hairless cat (because it was originally bred in Canada)
Red squirrel fur is often referred to as "red squirrel hair." It is known for its softness and beautiful reddish-brown color.
Tippet is a fur cape. It begins with the letter t.
The answer to Womens fur cape for the shoulders is a TIPPET
African cape fur seals can live to 25 years old. Male Australian cape fur seals live about 19 years. Female Australian cape fur seals live to be about 21 years old.
A pelisse.
Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus
A cape.
It is called Cape Horn because of its geographic shape.
It is called loss of fur or fur loss
A geographic Greek cape might be Cape Matapan.
It used to be called Cape Kennedy for a period of time.