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Apples! Ever heard an apple a day will keep the doctor away? Well, it is true! Almost 75% of apples is water! And the skin has a LOT of nutrients it's the best part!

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Q: What is a fruit or vegetable that is low in calories and high in nutrients?
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Is the nutrional facts for corn bad for you?

No, the nutrional facts for corn are not bad for you. Corn like any other fruit or vegetable is very good for you. They are healthy and high in good nutrients.

Can fruits and vegetable work as battries?

As long the fruit or vegetable have a normal to high acidic level, they can

How much calories in fruit cake?

In 250 grams fruit cake, you will get 800 calories. To get high calories in short time fruitcakes are really awesome.

Is a bean a vegetable or fruit?

they are vegetables that are high in protein content

Are vegetable oils significantly lower in calories than animal fats?

Both are extremely high in calories

Is it healthy to eat only fruit?

While it isn't necessarily dangerous, it can be unhealthy. Fruits contain may of the vitamins and nutrients necessary for good health. Eliminating them from your diet can make it difficult to make-up those nutrients from other sources.

What fruit and vegetable are high in postassiam?

Umm, well I definitely know that bananas have a high potssiUm content.

What foods should I be eating more of to lose weight?

The important concept is to limit your consumption of sweets and other snack foods which don't have useful calories. You want to get nutrients from vegetable and fruit , and also eat high protein foods in proper servings. To lose weight you need to limit your caloric intake and increase your caloric usage through exercise.

Why are fruit and vegetables important for us?

They both are high in nutrients that are essential to our health.

What food is filling and low in calories?

Raw leafy green vegetables are very low in calories. Try to eat a large green salad every day topped with radishes, beets, carrots, cucumbers, celery and tomatoes. Low-fat vegetable soups are also very filling and low in calories and delicious. Satisfy your sweet tooth with berries. They are low in calories and high in nutrients.

How many calories in a pinnapple?

There are about 236 calories in the whole Pineapple fruit. Pineapples are also very high in vitamin c.

Are 100 calories from fat nutritionally the same as 100 calories from carbohydrates?

As far as calories go, yes. However, as far as nutrients go, maybe not. In a nutshell, you will benefit more in the long run if you get most of your calories from carbohydrates. 45-65% of your daily calories should be coming from carbohydrates. You will want to select foods that have a high amount of nutrients per calorie. They are called "nutrient dense foods." Fat is high calorie (9 Calories per gram of fat), which means it will be harder to get as much nutrients with with a 100 Calorie spot of fatty food than it will be if you eat 100 Calories of carbohydrates.