You asked for it! Five hundred forty nonillion five hundred forty octillion five hundred forty septillion five hundred forty quintillion five hundred forty trillion five hundred forty million.
One forty five A. M. One forty five P. M. zero one forty five thirteen forty five
545,000 is five hundred forty-five thousand 0.545 is five hundred forty-five thousandths 500.045 is five hundred and forty-five thousandths
100-500 depending on specifics
I would write it as five and forty-five thousandths.
five hundred forty five thousand five hundred forty five
The number 45 in English is spelled forty-five. It is never spelled fourty-five.
7:45 seven forty five 745 seven hundred forty five
40.545 in word form is 'Forty point five four five'. NB NOT 'forty point five hundred and forty five'.
The Five-Forty-Eight was created in 1954.
Forty Five E.P. was created in 1985.