A floor scrubber is a tool used to scrub the floor. There are many different types of floor scrubbers depending the they type of floors needing scrubbing.
We have all been in a public building at one time or another and seen a janitor slowly go past us lugging or pushing something that somewhat resembles the design of a push lawn mower. When they are done we notice that the floor is now sparkling clean. This is a floor scrubber. They have been around for quite a while now, and many designs have been created enabling it to now also come in household models as well. A floor scrubber basically is just a contraption that carries a reserve for water and soap that is going to be used to clean the floor. The water and the soap make their way to the floor via a couple of strong jets directed at angles to hit and lift dirt at the same time. At the bottom of the scrubber are rotating brushes that make for scrubbing the surface. The floor scrubber greatly reduces the amount of work and time that one has to use to get a floor cleaned and is a very worthy investment. So how does one go about choosing one of these floor scrubbers? %C2%B7 Size – How big or small should the floor scrubber be? This is basically determined by the total surface area that one wants to be cleaning. A floor scrubber intended for a public office will definitely not be the same as that for your kitchen. The larger the surface area the larger the scrubber. %C2%B7 Effectiveness – Not all floor scrubbers have the same effectiveness. Some may have a better mechanized brush rotation, for example. You will also have to look at how clean the floor really is when you are done pushing the scrubber across. Some may require that you do it twice or thrice while others just once. Do not forget to put into consideration how much water or soap they leave behind when you are done. The high end scrubbers will leave the floor almost dry when you are done since they wipe and suck the water and soap as you go along. %C2%B7 Ease of use – Some scrubbers may be tiny but heavy, and others may be large but greatly mechanized to make for an easy operation.
Sometimes, you may wish to get a floor scrubber so that your floor winds up cleaner and dryer than it would have been by using the traditional mop and a bucket. Floor scrubbers come in all sorts of styles and sizes, and they can fully clean nearly any kind of floor. However, most models come with the same principle: They have water and cleaner solutions that spray onto any floor and scrub using a rotating brush, vacuuming up the remains into a tank. Hard tiles, such as ceramic, and linoleum can benefit the most from floor scrubbers. It is possible for homeowners to either rent or buy their own small sized models, and they will be about the size of a regular vacuum cleaner.Make sure to fully sweep dirt off of the floor. If you have too much dust or loose dirt sitting around on the floor and you use your scrubber on top of it, it might lodge the dirt between the tiles or wetly spread it across the floor.Fill the intake tank with water at a very warm temperature, ensuring there are a few inches of room left on the top. Take your concentrated cleaner and include it into the water. Do not put in the cleaner first, and try not to splash or shake it, because the purpose is to avoid suds.Position the floor scrubber so that it is at the wall that is the farthest away from the door. If your scrubber requires that you push it forward, face away from the corner and have the machine face the room. If your scrubber requires you to pull backwards, both you and the machine should face the corner.There will likely be about three different switches on your floor scrubber that are needed to be turned on. First, turn on the switch for the water pump, followed by the vacuum and then the scrubber. Move your model the way it is intended to be used, working in steady and slow rows, ensuring that you keep your eye on the outflow tank to see when it gets to be too filled and will need to have the water replaced.
Whether you are applying for a job that requires you to operate a floor scrubbing machine or you purchase one for your own use at home, there are some special instructions that you should follow concerning the operation and cleaning of various floor scrubber machines. 1. Gather all of your supplies and equipment. This will consist of the floor scrubber machine, bucket, warm water, floor cleaning solution and a broom and dustpan. You may also use a dust mop in place of sweeping. 2. Thoroughly sweep the floor that you will be scrubbing with a broom and dust pan or a dust mop. This will prevent the scrubber from spreading the dirt and debris around as you wash it. Dirt and debris particles can also be very damaging to a floor scrubber if it gets caught in the machine. 3. Using your bucket, fill the intake take of your floor scrubber with warm water. Leave about two or three inches from the top of the intake take free. Add your concentrated floor cleaner. It is important not to add the cleaner first or to shake or splash the cleaner when adding to the scrubbing machine. Suds can produce negative results to your cleaning job. 4. Starting at the furthest corner from the door, position your floor scrubber in the correct position to start cleaning. If the machine you are working with requires a pull back motion, start with the machine facing the corner. If your machine model is a forward-moving machine, you will start operating the machine with your back facing the corner and the machine facing outward. 5. Most model floor scrubbers have various functions that are controlled by three different switches. Turn on the water pump switch first, followed by the vacuum and last the scrubber itself. Work in a slow and steady pattern of rows. Pay careful attention to the outflow tank so that you will know when it is time to replace the water. 5. You will want to watch the water in the collection bucket to make sure that it does not overfill and spill out. You may have to empty the machine several times during a single cleaning session. 6. When you are done using the machine, empty out the water and cleaning solution for the machine. Empty all collected waste water and clean out the bucket with fresh water. You may even want to dry out the buckets to prevent the growth of mold or fowl odors.
Hoover has a hardwood buffer that is incredibly effective but can be expensive. Another way to clean your floors very well is to steam it, if you choose this there are lots of options for steamers.
use Mr. Clean and a toilet scrubber.
You could rent a floor scrubber at Home Depot. They offer various floor scrubbers at great prices. Also the floor scrubber are built to perform and very durable.
Yes, iRobots, the company that makes the Roomba Robotic vacuums, does make a floor scrubber model. The floor scrubber model is called the Scooba, and it is designed to prep, wash, scrub, and dry hard floor surfaces.
Hoover makes the best floor scrubber. You can see a list of their products and read reviews at www.vacuumwizard.com/hoover-floor-scrubber.html
Any powered floor scrubber would be easier, but they'll cost more to buy and need to be maintained.
Janitorial supply companies and rental companies will have a floor scrubber available for rental. Contact your local rental outlet or supplier of construction materials for the nearest location to rent the scrubber.
Sanatize a floor scrubber with bleach you can also use Citrus based cleaners to clean the outside on all poly tanks.
Well, there are many options to obtain a good floor scrubber, try www.thesweeper.com They have a vast selection of floor scrubbing utensils, for low prices!
Floor scrubber should be properly cleaned and sanitized after each use to prevent harmful bacteria and orders fro growing.
A home floor scrubber can be obtained by many different companies. Some of the companies that offer home floor scrubbers are Amazon, Home Depot, Wal Mart and Target.
It is both, a floor scrubber can be a pneumatic scrapper, buffer, etc, or it can also be a person who scrubs floors. lol.
Using a high quality floor scrubber is vital to making sure you clean properly. One of the highest quality scrubbers is the tide scrubbers.
A good brand of tile floor scrubber is first generation. It is good becasue it really works and it is environmentally friendly so it will be better for the earth