Fabico was the US importer of German inexpensive revolvers of indifferent quality, Depending on condition, somewhere around $50
More information is needed to identify the manufacturer of this pistol. No references found.
This model was manufactured between 1979 to 1989 it is a 24 shot bb pistol. In excellent condition it is worth around $45.
$150.-$300. depending on condition.
5-45 dollars
Not enough info to answer. What model, blue or stainless, what barrel?
$100-$200, depending on model and condition.
Model 91 is a model number for handcuffs. If you mean a Single Shot Model of 1891, the single shot pistol, 100-2000 depending on EXACTLY what you have and condition.
10-100 usd
This is a 12 shot tubular pistol. made between 1960-81. Unfortunately you did not state the condition of the pistol, excellent to poor. Is it still working? No estimate of value can be given without this information.
No such model in the Ruger line.
50-100 or so
25-75 USD