A dry alcoholic is an alcololic who has stopped drinking, an alcoholic who has been 'dry' for a period of time.
Dry Sherry
In alcohol, dry describes a lack of sweetness. That is why dry wines are usually served with meals and sweet wines are saved for dessert.
No, Scott County in Tennessee is not a dry county. It allows for the sale of alcoholic beverages.
"Dry" drinks are drinks without added flavoring. For example, a very dry martini would have little or no vermouth.
Google George W. and dry drunk. Answer is clear.
Lager, Liebfraumilch, light beer, liqueur, and London dry gin.
He is dry, sarcastic, rude, abrupt, stark and honest. In the beginning of The Hunger Games, he is an alcoholic.
No, it's a (non-alcoholic) pop.
Visual symptoms of an alcoholic include missing work, red nose or face, slurred speech, unfocused eyes, dry flaky skin, balance problems and shaking hands.
To treat dry mouth, the use of caffeine-containing beverages, alcoholic beverages, and mouthwashes containing alcohol should be minimized. Drinking water and fruit juices will decrease dry mouth problems.