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Q: What is a dome-shaped cup of thin rubber stretched over a collapsible metal ring and used in conjunction with spermicidal cream or jelly?
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How do you use stretched out in a sentence?

She stretched out on the couch after her workout. He stretched out on the hammock in the shade.

What is an example sentence with the word stretched?

She stretched her arms above her head after sitting at her desk for hours.

What is the past tense of 'stretch'?

The past tense of stretch is stretched.

How can the anus be stretched?

it can be stretched up to 1 metre if needed !!

Can beats by dre get stretched out?

Sadly, yes. Mine are stretched out... :(

What is a sentence for stretched?

The cat, warmed by the sun, stretched languorously.

When was I Am Stretched on Your Grave created?

I Am Stretched on Your Grave was created in 1979.

What is the extension of a stretched spring?

The amount the spring is stretched is called the displacement.

Is it ok to be 15 and have stretched ear lobes?

it is as long as you haven't caused them to be stretched

How many syllables in the word stretched?

The word "stretched" has one syllable.

What word has the meaning 'stretched tightly'?

The word that means 'stretched tightly' is taut.

Can stretched out skin regain its elasticity?

Stretched out skin can indeed gain some of its elasticity back. Stretched out skin will never have the full elasticity it once had.