Process metrics are used to make strategic decisions about how to complete the common process framework activities. Project metrics are used to monitor progress during software development and to control product quality.
ewan q
software engineering is the the management of different phases in SDLC to give a quality product. Software manufacturing refers to the whole process from scratch to end.
Computer Engineering students study the design of digital hardware and software systems including communications systems, other computer applications, Software engineering is a sub part of computer engineering.
Software and traditional engineering are somewhat very closely related. Engineering practices like cost and effort estimation are common in both.
spelling difference
no answer
ewan q
Computer Science = software ECE = hardware + software + telecommunication
software engineering is the the management of different phases in SDLC to give a quality product. Software manufacturing refers to the whole process from scratch to end.
There is a big difference. A software engineer will deal only with the machine language withing a computer network. Networkingengineer is an HARDWARE engineer he will apply the software written language to make sure that the network hardware can follow the written machine language
there is a difference
what is difference between accounts and engineering
Computer Engineering students study the design of digital hardware and software systems including communications systems, other computer applications, Software engineering is a sub part of computer engineering.
Where conventional engineers (chemical, mechanical, etc.) Will work with physical objects, soft ware engineers work with software.
Software and traditional engineering are somewhat very closely related. Engineering practices like cost and effort estimation are common in both.
A Batchelor in software engineering(honours) is a 4 year programme to which one is only eligible after completing/ clearing the FSC(intermediat/ after completing the DIA(diploma of associate engineering)), where as associated software engineering is a 3 years programme which students can apply after clearing/ after passing their matriculation and is a three years aperson bearing batchelor/master... degree in software engineering is called an engineer and a diploma holder is called the associate software engineer similar for other disciplines of engineering as well
difference between operating system and system software?