CMP is a maker of unusual firearms. They include a number of single shot and semiautomatic firearms that are similar to the STEN gun and MAC series of submachineguns. We cannot get you more information without more info from you.
No published data.
Heavy MTL was created in 2008.
Mo-town MTL Mo-town MTL
MTL - transport company - was created in 1992.
Mechel OAO (MTL)had its IPO in 2004.
In the underlying table structure, the MTL is short for 'materials'. For example, the MTL Transaction Interface table is used to issue and receive items in an out of inventory.
The First Team All-Stars in 1976/77 were: Ken Dryden(MTL), Larry Robinson(MTL), Borje Salming(TOR), Marcel Dionne (LA), Guy Lafleur(MTL),and Steve Shutt(MTL).
As of July 2014, the market cap for Mechel OAO (MTL) is $857,517,734.70.
MTL could mean 'Metal' however, I also have a ring with MTL stamped on it but I am unsure of what it really does mean. I would advise you to get it checked out at a jewellers and see what it means