If you call Colt they will tell you when it was made.
None. While there are firearms made to shoot .45 Colt AND .410 shotshells, they are designed and made to do that. A regular .410 shotgun is NOT made to do that safely.
100-1000 USD
50-450 usd
50-1000 USD and up depending on specifics
'ACP' means Automatic Colt Pistol. A 1911, for example, would chamber a .45 ACP cartridge.
100-1000 USD or so depending on specifics
Automatic Colt Pistol
Automatic Colt Pistol. Colt invented the .45 Auto and thus had the right to name it.
No, is the short answer. The long answer is a little more complex. The .45 Colt and the .410 share similar base dimensions which make them interchangeable in certain firearms. Usually, however, you find .45 Colt/.410 shotgun combinations, meaning the firearm is designed to shoot .45 Colt, but will also accept .410 shot shells. The Taurus Judge, and Bond Derringer's Snake Slayer are two pistol examples. There are many variations, but the unifying factor is that these guns are designed to handle higher chamber and barrel pressures generated by the .45 Colt cartridge. The barrel of your typical .410 shotgun is very thin in comparison, and is designed to fire shotgun ammunition only. So, if the firearm is specifically designed for it, you can shoot .410 shotgun ammunition through a .45 Colt barrel. You cannot, nor should you attempt, to load a .45 Colt round into a .410 shotgun.
your colt was made in 1918. However, value depends on overall condition of your pistol.....
Call Colt