If you have more than one piercing on your left ear....Lets say three or four, there will be a bump, it's natural.
As for the headaches, just take some asprin/tylenol because it most likely means that your ear is hurting, but it feels like your head is hurting.
no red bump behind my ear. behind my ear it just sore
Most likely it's a cyst.
that they pierced their left ear? it means nothing.. almost all my friends have their left ear pierced, it doesn't mean anything.
grab a safety pin and pop it yo
The little bump on the outside of the ear that when pressed closes the ear is called the tragus. It helps to protect the ear canal and is involved in directing sound into the ear.
Herpes Zougust
My sister got her ear pierced and she had an allergic reaction to it, so she had to take the ring out. When it healed, it grew a small bump on the front side of her ear. The doctor said that it is not going to hurt her, just to leave it alone. Did you just have your ears pierced? If so, that might be it. Good luck:)
It's probably an abcess especilly if it is in the ear/chin/dewlap area. See a vet.
It means they have a piercing in the top of the left ear nothing more nothing less.
it means nothing some people wear left or right or both but when it comes down to it there is no difference between which ear youe ear ring is in
yes it can it hurts terribley and you have a bump behind your ear