In firearms, bullpup indicates a design where the action and chamber are to the rear of the trigger- a reverse of the normal order. This provides for a very compact firearm. See link below for a photo of a High Stahndard model 10B- a bullpup shotgun.
High Standard made a 10 ga bullpup 30 years ago or so and it's the only one I know. I haven't seen any aftermarket bullpup sets.
500 t0 750 depending on condition
norc bullpup and Norinco T97 Bullpup are some good non restricted bullpup rifles available in Canada for around $1000.
an ak-47 is a specific firearm but a bullpup is a category of firearm.
Several different people at different times. See the link below for a history of the bullpup-
High Standard shotguns made before 1969 did not have serial numbers except for some exported models and the Model 10-A bullpup. Your shotgun has no serial number.
The bolt action Thorneycroft carbine, first manufactured in 1901, was the first documented bullpup rifle. The first design of a modern bullpup assault rifle was the British EM-2, designed by Kazimierz Januszewski.
There is a Bullpup Muzzlelite stock specifically made for the Marlin model 60 rifle. As I type this the retail price is about $150.
Yes indeed
Tavor (תבור) is an Israeli bullpup assault rifle
There are a few on gunbroker, in fact there is one on there now. Mossberg originally designed the bullpup for law enforcement / security use. It found quite a few fans in the civilian market though. Mossberg desiged it, I'm not sure if it was contracted out though. They have the ability to make all of the synthetic stocks for their regular lines of shotguns. it could have been a company like ramline which is known for it's stocks and innovative concoctions.