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A bishop's collar is a pint of Guinness or similar drink with two much head on the top.

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Q: What is a bishop's collar?
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What does burgundy clerical collar mean?

A burgundy clerical collar typically signifies a higher ecclesiastical rank within the Catholic Church. It is commonly worn by bishops and cardinals as a symbol of their respective positions of authority and leadership within the church.

What is the College of Bishops?

There is a college of cardinals but not a college of bishops.

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possessive plural word for the bishops: bishops'

Why is the vicars collar a dog collar?

The collar that vicars wear is a clerical collar, not a dog collar. Dog collar is just a crude nickname. The clerical collar is also sometimes referred to as a Roman collar.

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The main types are: assistant bishops, titular bishops, diocesan (or ruling) bishops, archbishops, metropolitans, popes and patriarchs. They are all bishops, but they have different levels of seniority.

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Letter of Reconciliation of the Polish Bishops to the German Bishops was created in 1965.

Is it el collar or la collar in spanish?

"Collar" is masculine, so it is "el collar".

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White Collar job

What is meant by the college of bishops?

all the bishops

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Apostolic succession - the apostles consecrated new bishops. The new bishops then consecrated other bishops on down the line for nearly 2000 years. Today's bishops are a part of that chain.

Is a doctor a white collar or blue collar?

White collar.

Why does the Church need bishops?

The church does need bishops.