Belknap Hardware- along with many others, sold shotguns made under their name by Crescent Firearms.
Its value is $100.00 if it is in good shape.
Volunteer Arms Co. was a trade name of Belknap Hardware and Manufacturing, a large wholesale/retail in Louisville, KY. It operated under that name from 1907 until 1986. The Volunteer Arms Co single barrel shotguns were actually the Iver Johnson Champion model. The Champion was manufactured from c. 1909 until the mid 1970's.
Sold by Belknap Hardware and Mfg. Co. in Louisville, Ky. Other sites indicate that several manufacturing company made products for them.
Will seldom exceed 100 USD
50-125 USD
10-100 usd
This was a trade name made for Belknap Hardware, and from the list of makers (Crescent, H&R, Stevens) it's unlikely to be a high quality gun, but I could be wrong. The plating and engraving were probably not factory original. If this is a double barrel, the usual quote is $150-$250, and for a single shot, $35-$75.
If it is a hammerless single shot or double barrel, it was PROBABLY made by Crescent Firearms, 1892-1931.
Brake barrel rifles are single shot rifles. After each shot you have to fold the barrel down (Break the barrel) in order to cock it again.
Internet, gun shops, gun shows, want ads.
What year is 16 gage single shot Springfield barrel and lug forged one piece inside barrel wwdt