Model 80 1934 to 1939 Model 80-E 1934 to 1939 peep sight with hooded front sight Model 80-C 1940 to 1970 semi-beavertail forearm Model 80-DL 1940 to 1965 semi-beavertail forearm with peep sight
Beavertail Lighthouse was created in 1749.
Beavertail State Park was created in 1980.
It's the wooden piece under the barrels where you rest your forward left hand (if you are a right handed shooter). They come in different widths with the thin one being an English Splinter wide one a Beavertail.(In general)
The area of Beavertail Hill State Park is 263,045.667456 square meters.
2.99 for a regular beavertail and more if you want more flavors.
A beavertail is a fried-dough pastry, a species of prickly pear cactus, or any object which is similar to a beaver's tail in shape.
these fine shotguns are selling for between 500 dollars for one with 10% original finish.All the way up to 1,300 dollars for a fine example with 95%of the original finish remaining.You can also add 175 dollars for the beavertail forearm.
Without serial #, grade, single or double triggers, beavertail or splinter forearm, ejectors or extractors, length of barrels chokes and length of stock the latter being most common 600-4000 range.
The address of the Beavertail Lighthouse Museum Association is: Po Box 83, Jamestown, RI 02835-0083
Just the way they were designed.
You have an Ithaca Flues model made in 1914 you did not mention condition, straight or pistol grip, beavertail or splinter forearm, ejectors or extractors steel or damasscuss barrels or the choke markings on the barrel flats. 500-3000