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Somebody who is nice to you face-to-face but says nasty hurtful things to others about you behind your back. Another term for people like this is "two-faced".

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Q: What is a back stabber?
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The back stabber of Carlito.It stops the body from moving 30 2006 Carlito has applied the back stabber on the Big Show and retained the U.S title.

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The cast of Stabber - 2011 includes: Tom Kauffman as Stabbed Guy Angela Trimbur as Alexis Brandon Vaughn as Stabber

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go to account click edit freinds and then pick the back stabber freind your deleting

What rhymes with stabber?

Jabber, nabber, grabber, blabber, crabber, dabbler, babbler, and gabber ALL rhyme with 'stabber'.

Is back stabber a kenning?

A "kenning" is a type of circumlocution that uses figurative compound phrases. So by that definition, yes, the phrase "back stabber" could be described as a kenning. Most "back stabbers" don't literally stab others in the back, though some do like Brutus in Julius Caesar. That is certainly a betrayal, and the phrase is used these days to mean any act of betrayal.

What are the release dates for Stabber - 2011?

Stabber - 2011 was released on: USA: 29 October 2011 (Los Angeles, California)

What is 2-word adjective?

back stabber, for example. Simply put, two words which together modify a noun, though neither is an adjective.

What is one thing that people hate about back stabbers?

The one thing people dislike about back stabbers is the fact the back stabber seldom tells the truth to others and tends to embellish on those lies.

What are the release dates for LawstinWoods - 2013 The Stabber 1-16?

LawstinWoods - 2013 The Stabber 1-16 was released on: USA: 25 June 2014

Heather Gibson CSM of Dynalectric is the worst back stabber in the office. Yes or No?

No. Bad Credit, DUI, Assalt you name it all defects welcome.