Your winchester model 24 shotgun was made by winchester in 1947.
Impossible to answer without a detailed description.
Your winchester model 24 shotgun is currently valued at 225 dollars for a gun with 60%original finish,up to 625 dollars for a nice example with 95% original finish remaining and a good bore.
Model 24 is a semi-auto 22.
10-500 usd
A winchester model 24 side by side shotgun is valued at between 225 dollars for a gun with 60% original finish remaining,up to 350 dollars for a gun exhibiting 90% original finish.
Are you asking about a single round of ammunition made in 1924? FYI, the only fiream called a Model 24 made by Winchester was a shotgun.
Impossible to answer.
Depending on condition 300-1000 USD.
The model 24 Winchester shotgun is selling for between 225 dollars for one in 60% original condition,up to 725 dollars for a nice specimen in 98% original condition.You can add a 20% premium to the above fiqures for one in 16ga.
The Winchester model 24 double barrel shotgun will range in value between 200-350 dollars,for a firearm showing between 60%-90% of its original finish,and a good set of bores.
Your winchester model 24 side by side shotgun which was made by winchester in 1949 is currently valued at between 225 dollars for a gun with 60% original finish remaining up to 625 dollars for a nice example with 90%of its original finish remaining.