These shotguns should not be fired, they are subject to a complete recall due to bursting barrels
if your winchester model 101 sporting is a current model(made since 2007)its value is between 800dollars for a gun with 60%original finish,up to 1450 dollars for a shotgun with 90% original finish remaining.
There are 2 types of the Winchester Model 56, the Sporting Rifle and the Fancy Sporting Rifle. The Sporting Rifle has the plain walnut stock and forend. It is worth aprox. $1000 in Very Good condition to $400 in poor condition. The Fancy Sporting Rifle has the fancy checkered walnut stock and forend. It is worth aprox. $2000 in Very Good condition to $750 in poor condition. If it is chambered for .22 Short only then add 50% to the value. ***All this info was in the 2008 Standard Catalog of Firearms page 1365***
What is a Winchester model 74.22 repeater rifle, circa l939, worth?
No such model made by Winchester
No such model number.
Your winchester model 1894 was made by winchester in 1964.
The Winchester model 70 Black Shadow is worth between about 600 dollars and about 800 dollars depending on the condition and exact model. This gun is a relatively newer model by Winchester.
Winchester Model 94-44 Magnum 3199687M
A Winchester Model 140 12 gauge, semi automatic can be worth up to $150. The exact amount that the Winchester is worth depends on the condition of the gun.
how much is a Winchester model 94 30 30 made in 1974 worth
If your Winchester model 1200 is a standard field model,it is worth between 400-600 dollars depending on condition.It would be worth more depending on the grade.
in great shape