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It was a Colt rifle produced in 1957 selling for 129.95 at the time in 30.06 or .243 cal.

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Q: What is a The Colt 57 rifle?
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What is the age of a Colt rifle serial SLD25319

When was colt lightning rifle?

You will have to call COLT to find out.

What years did colt sauer make the rifle in 22-250?

Colt did not make the rifle. Sauer made it for them.

Can you shoot 45 colt ammo in a 45 long colt rifle?

a gunsmith needs to check both the ammo and rifle.

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The Colt AR-15 is a sporter rifle

Did colt make a 22 caliber rifle?

Yes. The first one that comes to mind is the .22 Colt Lightning pump rifle.

What year was the first 45 long colt lever rifle made?

The first 45 long colt lever rifle was made in 1985.

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How can you obtain the date a colt rifle was made?

Contact Colt Firearms customer service.

When was colt lighting rifle serial number 71983 manufactured?

your rifle was manufactured in 1894.

Any information on a colt rifle serial number c070992? has Colt sn data

How do you find an owner manual for a colt sporter rifle model?

Contact Colt, on line aucitons.