Apparently there are 2 styles of Swedish Kiss: 1. When a guy comes into his partners mouth and they pass the semen backwards and forwards between them. And 2. When somebody french kisses somebody else on the ass.
Kiss me is kyss mig, in Swedish.
Kiss me right now would be "Kyss mig just nu!" or "Kyss mig nu!".
Kyssar. (Kiss = Kyss, Kisses = Kyssar). K is here pronounced as sh in ship.
Swedish and it means "I(Jag) must(Måste) kiss(Kyssa) you(Dig)"
Puss means kiss in Swedish. Puss puss is a common way to say good bye (to someone that you know very well) on the phone or in an e-mail for example.
Kiss (verb)kyssa = kisskyssas = kisspussa = kisspussas = kiss, petlätt beröra = kiss, dablätt beröra varandra = kissKiss (noun)kyss = kiss, busspuss = kiss, puddle
PoK or pok stands for "puss och kram", which means kiss and hug. It is used in sms, emails or other electronic communication.
Swedish (language) - svenska Swedish (adjective, nationality) - svensk
Swedish fish is made by the Swedish candy producer Malaco.
He is han in Swedish.
swedish swedish
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