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100-350 USD

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Q: What is a Ruger blackhawk 357 mag worth 1982 six in. barrel?
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What is Value of ruger new model blackhawk 41 mag purchased in 1982?

200-400 USD

How old is your ruger MK1 serial number 17-766xx?

It was manufactured in 1982.

What is the value of a ruger black hawk 357 mag from 1982?

100-350 USD

What was the Oil price in 1982?

The price of crude oil in 1982 varied:High: $30.80 per barrel in JanuaryLow: $27.64 per barrel in April

What year was the ruger single six serial number 69-02472 made?

Go to the Ruger website, customer service, historical data, revolver, find your model, and there is a serial number/ year of production list.With the serial number that you provided,your ruger single six was made by ruger in 1982.

When was US Oil priced 32 per barrel?

The closest to $32.00 per barrel was in 1982; the price of a barrel of oil was $31.83.

What is the value of a 1982 ruger mini 14 in mint?

300-600 USD depending on the usual factors.

Model 25 Micro Grooved Barrel Serial 18724003 Cal 22 S.L. L.R. Marlin bolt action rifle what is the age and worth of this piece.?

1982. About $75.

What is the value of a 22 LR Ruger Mark 2 target pistol serial 211-50735?

The serial # shows to be a 1985 (late) They started making them in 1982. I purchased mine in 9-89. 5.5" bull barrel, SStainless for $299 + tax. If it has been cared for it will sell for $400 +

What is a 1982 Elizabeth w twenty pence worth?

elizabeth11 1982 twenty pence worth

What was the last year that Smith and Wesson pinned the barrel on their revolvers?

@ 1982.

What was the most points scored in a game by a BlackHawk Hockey Player?

The answer is 7 by Grant Mulvey on February 3rd, 1982. He scored 5 goals and had 2 assists that night.