Depends on finish, exact model, condition. Anywhere from $250-$400.
50-500 usd
100-300 USD
1 week ago (May 22, 2009), visited a gun store (Shooters of Jax,FL), got en estimate for my Ruger P94 Limited Edition, w/out built in laser, 40 cal, w/2 mags. for $200.00 , I believe new one goes around $450 to $525. So I didn't trade my in, but bought a Taurus PT609-13 -Ti 9 mm, for $469.00. And still have my Ruger which I love, but due to size it is hard to conceal, that was the reason I got a compact 9 mm. Hope this helps. Troy
100-400 USD or so depending on specifics
It depends on who made it and what condition it is in. If it's a Hi-Point carbine, they are on the lower-end for value and price even though they are known to be reliable. It might be worth $200 U.S. Dollars. But a Beretta or Ruger .40 caliber carbine might be worth $500 or so.
100-400 or so
100-400 USD
100-500 or so
100-400 or so
50-500 usd
100-400 USD