It is worth enough to not mess with it and leave it original. contact me and I can find out an accurate price for you. spitfire_er at hot mail.
About $250, depending on which version and condition.
100-1000 USD and up depending on specifics
Impossible to answer without a DETAILED description of ALL markings.
See related links for date code stamp information on the Remington Society of America.
There is no model number 3006 or 243 in the Woodmaster line. Check Remington's webiste under the Sportsman's Library.
You can get an owner's manual from Remington. Check their web site.
AnswerNo. In my research into this question, they dont come with a Remington barrel, but they say that the Remington model 11 barrel is interchangeable with the Savage 720, and visa versa. They will not be interchangeable with the Browning A5 barrel.
100-425 USD
contact me and I can answer for you. spitfire_er at hotmail
Depends on condition and parts originality. Range from 300-800