Please repost with ALL markings, a description, and condition, You did not give enough info for us to answer in a meaningful way.
A beret is a flat, round cap. I like the tan beret better than the red beret.
That's a nice beret.
Same thing: beret
Dawn Beret's birth name is Dawn Berrington.
The duration of The Red Beret is 1.47 hours.
yes a beret is a national france hat.
He wore the Green Beret-Lesley Miller
The word "beret" is pronounced buh-RAY.
Beret whish is a hat Beret whish is a hat
The purpose of the beret is:to keep the sun ofto look fashionableto traditional
A beret is spelled 'un béret' in French.
A Beret is a sort of hat, worn by french people and as part of a soldiers uniform.