50-200 USD
your Mossberg shotgun which was made from 1954-1968 will bring between 75-120 dollars.
Maybe a collector will have some information.
40-150 USD
would like the retial value of a new Mossberg model 860
The 1999 Cadillac normal coolant temperature gauge reading should be 180 degrees. A 195 degrees thermostat could be used, causing the temperature gauge to read 195.
That would be a Model 732 2.5" barrel, Excellent condition $185-195 - add $25 for 4" barrel.
Aroun the middle of the gauge, 195-210
Aprox 195 degrees F
Your smith and Wesson model 19-3 will range in price from 195-400 dollars,depending on the amount of original finish remaining,and a good bore.
195 million