Somewhere between $50 and $300, depending on WHICH model, and the condition, Mossberg made DOZENS of models of 22 bolt action rifles. There is a limited collector following of older Mossberg 22's- but they are great shooters.
300 or so
50-350 usd
100 or so
50-200 usd
10-700 USD depending on specifics
Just like a bolt action rifle.
mossberg 385ka bolt action
Your Western Field model 37 bolt action rifle was made for Montgomery Wards(Western Field) by Mossberg and sons.The Mossberg model 30 and your rifle are one and the same.The Mossberg model 30 single shot .22cal rifle was made from 1933-1935.
It was made by Mossberg around 1930 plus a few years. It was a low budget bolt action rifle Mossberg model 321 or 320 under the Western Auto name