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150 depending on condition

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Q: What is a Mossberg 183kc bolt action 410 shotgun worth?
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The Mossberg model 200 slide action 12guage shotgun is worth anywhere from $100 to $250, depending on condition.

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If your Mossberg is a bolt action shotgun, about $80-100. These are well built utility grade guns- no major collector interest, but durable and reliable.

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What is a Mossberg 185D shotgun worth?

50-175 or so

What is the age of a Mossberg and Sons model 185K 20 gauge bolt action shotgun?

The Mossberg 185k 20ga shotgun was manufactured from 1947-1950 so it's anywhere from 62-65 years old and it's worth from $50-$200 depending on condition.

What is New Haven 20 gauge bolt action shotgun worth?

Depends on the shape it's in. $75.00-$125.00 would be a good estimate though. This is a Mossberg shotgun made in the 50's most likely.

What is a mossberg 200 shotgun worth?

Depending on the condition and the buyer, $100 - $250.

What is a mossberg 20 gauge shotgun worth?

75-300 USD or so

What is a mossberg and sons of model 195 12 gauge worth?

your Mossberg shotgun which was made from 1954-1968 will bring between 75-120 dollars.

What was the mossberg model 185 k-b shotgun worth?

50-150 USD or so

Mossberg and sons shotgun model 190 or 109 16 ga bolt action can you tell me What is it worth?

About $50-$100, depending on condition. The Mossberg bolt action guns are well made, but a utility grade "working man's" sort of gun. Reliable and durable, not a lot of collector interest- but good shooters.