350$ dollars.
The phone number of the Frontier Heritage is: 207-476-5093.
The address of the Frontier Heritage is: 18 Community Center Drive, Fort Fairfield, ME 04742-1193
war against Spain
According to their personal MySpace's Garrett, Pat, John, and Jared are single. Kennedy's does not say but his fanspace on MySpace says that he is single.
Yes, Maine is a very rainy state especially in the summer. It rains single day there in the summer. In the winter they get a lot of snow.
Maine and Texas are both full of self-reliant types who use variants of 'yep' 'yup' or 'ayup' every single day.
No, John Ohh is not married. He is actually single right now.
The McKinley administration believed that the Maine was destroyed by the Spanish in Havana Harbor. They called for a military action in retaliation.