Jacob Leupold was born in 1674.
Jacob Leupold died in 1727.
Herbert Leupold died in 1942.
Herbert Leupold was born in 1908.
Matthias Leupold was born in 1959.
Andreas Leupold is 189 cm.
Choosing a best rangefinder is not very easy. First of all you need to know about different facts of a rangefinder. If you are a golfer then you should choice a rangefinder which will be the best for golf.You need to think about some important criteria before buy a rangefinder:What you are looking for? Golf or Hunting Rangefinder or dual purpose rangefinder?What is your budget?Do you need a best rangefinder with any special features, like; slope, ballistic program, dual mood, jolt technology etc?
Go to the Leupold website.
Horst Leupold was born on 1942-01-30.
Andreas Leupold was born in 1959, in Berlin, Germany.
Harald Leupold-Löwenthal died in 2007.
Harald Leupold-Löwenthal was born in 1926.