9mm Parabellum is 9mm Luger. My Llama is picky about the ammo it likes. 115g FMJ seems to work best. LRN will not feed properly.
I would say a fair gun. The Llama pistols are not the highest quality guns ever made, and not the worst.
The 9mm Parabellum is the proper name of the 9mm Luger cartridge.
What is the value of parabellum 9mm tz 75?
Need the name of the maker to answer.
100-300 or so
If you mean 9mm Parabellum (also called 9mm Luger)- no. the 9x18 (Makarov) is fatter and shorter than 9mm Parabellum. It is not a true 9 mm.
No. The .380 cartridge is sometimes called 9mm Corto or 9mm Kurz, but in addition to a different cartridge shape, the basic design of the two pistols is generally different. MOST .380s are blowback, and 9mms are locked breech- due to the higher power of the 9mm Parabellum cartridge. Also, please understand that there are SEVERAL different 9mms- the 9mm Largo, 9mm Browning Long, 9mm Steyr, 9mm Makarov, 9mm Glisenti, 9mm Magnum etc, besides the 9mm Parabellum.
380 and 9mm projectiles are .355 in diameter _________________________ Most of the time, when people use the term 9mm, they are referring to a 9mm parabellum. A 9mm parabellum cannot be fired from a .380. The 9mm cartridge is longer. _________________________ The BULLET is the part of the cartridge that is the projectile. While 9mm parabellum and .380 ACP use the same diameter bullets, the CARTRIDGES are not interchangeable.
If nothing else is stated, yes.
The 9mm Parabellum(9mmLuger) is .355 caliber.