Her eyes were sapphire blue that you were effortlessly mesmerized by, with long skinny eyelashes in the colour midnight that she flicked almost constantly. Her skin was slightly lighter than Ivory, with a metallic rose coloured tint to her cheeks. Her faultless champagne blonde hair fell loosely over her shoulders into skinny, slack curls. Her lips were like a frozen rose, dangerous but beautiful.
It can mean "doll", either as in the girl's toy or as a description of a pretty girl. It also means "wrist".
Pretty much impossible to answer without a detailed description of ALL markings, finish and overall condition
Pretty much impossible to tell the model from just the sn. Provide a detailed description of all markings.
Give a detailed description of you personality (hobbies, things that motivate you, lifestyle, workstyle. ).
Hillari Kimble is like a barbie.She always think she is so pretty and popular like a pretty kind of girl.
Impossible to answer without a detailed description
Need a detailed description
A detailed description of what the computer is and what it's good at.
There are a lot of them out there. Need a detailed description.
Impossible to answer without a detailed description.
Imppossible to answer without a detailed description.